Galaxy Rising |
Star Light, Star Bright
by R.E. Slater
We are light!
Formed from starlight's ancient cosmic debris
Mashed together across the wastelands of space -
Empty space, but not nearly empty, just emptied for creation,
As cosmic dust fallen to Earth
Fallen from the dazzling skies above
Ordained by creation's hands by the Almighty God of Love.
Bourne by Light, birthed of Light, formed from Light -
Ye Stars of heaven fallen to Earth
Mingling with earth
Mingling Love
Mangled by sin's dark emptiness.
To shine on a new day as the stars above -
Lighting dark places holding earth's sin
Lighting eternity's days with starlight above
Swept from the heaven's
Fallen as Love.
- R.E. Slater
June 15, 2012
@copyright R.E. Slater Publications
all rights reserved
“The cosmos is within us.
We are made of star-stuff.
We are a way for the universe to know itself.”
―Carl Sagan
Drops of Jupiter - Train