"Autobiographies of great nations are written in three manuscripts – a book of deeds, a book of words, and a book of art. Of the three, I would choose the latter as truest testimony." - Sir Kenneth Smith, Great Civilisations

"I must write each day without fail, not so much for the success of the work, as in order not to get out of my routine." - Leo Tolstoy

I have never believed that one should wait until one is inspired because I think the pleasures of not writing are so great that if you ever start indulging them you will never write again. - John Updike

"The life of every man is a diary in which he means to write one story, and writes another; and his humblest hour is when he compares the volume as it is with what he vowed to make it." - J.M. Barrie, Peter Pan

Poetry is the shadow cast by our streetlight imaginations." - Lawrence Ferlinghetti

[Note - If any article requires updating or correction please notate this in the comment section. Thank you. - res]

Showing posts with label The World of Introverts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The World of Introverts. Show all posts

Friday, February 19, 2016

9 Signs You’re An Old Soul

9 Signs You’re An Old Soul

January 25, 2016

How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are?
~Satchel Paige

There is a special kind of person in our world who finds himself alone and isolated, almost since birth.

His solitary existence isn’t from a preference or an antisocial temperament – he is simply old. Old in heart, old in mind and old in soul, this person is an old soul who finds his outlook on life vastly different and more matured than those around him. As a result, the old soul lives his life internally, walking his own solitary path while the rest around him flock to follow another. Perhaps you’ve experienced this in your own life, or have witnessed it in another person? If so, this article is dedicated to you, in hopes that you will come to define yourself, or understand another better.

The “Old Soul”

Robert Frost, Eckhart Tolle and even Nick Jonas have been called them. Perhaps even you have? I did. Like many of them, this self discovery was made upon meeting Sol, who told me about his childhood as a precocious, intelligent boy who would befriend the teachers instead of the students, just because they were too different from him. As he related his inability to find interest in and connection to the people his age, I discovered that I felt the same, and still do.

If you have not yet discovered whether you’re an old soul, read some of the revealing signs below.

9 Signs You’re An Old Soul

1# You tend to be a solitary loner.

Because old souls are disinterested in the pursuits and interests of the people in their age groups, they find it dissatisfying to make friends with people they find it hard to relate to. This is one of the major problems Old Souls experience. The result is … old souls tend to find themselves alone a lot of the time. People just don’t cut it for them.

2# You love knowledge, wisdom and truth.

Yep … this seems a little grandiose and overly noble, but the old soul finds himself naturally gravitating towards the intellectual side of life. Old souls inherently understand that knowledge is power, wisdom is happiness and truth is freedom, so why not seek after those things? These pursuits are more meaningful to them than reading up on the latest gossip about Snooki’s latest boyfriend, or the latest football scores.

3# You’re spiritually inclined.

More emotional old souls tend to have sensitive and spiritual natures. Overcoming the confines of the ego, seeking enlightenment – as modeled by the Awakened Souls – and fostering love and peace are the main pursuits of these young-in-body Mother Teresa’s. To them it seems the wisest, most fulfilling use of time.

4# You understand the transience of life

Old souls are frequently plagued with reminders of not only their own mortality, but that of everything and everyone around them. This makes the old soul weary and at times withdrawn, but wisely dictates the way they live their lives.

5# You’re thoughtful and introspective.

Old souls tend to think a lot … about everything. Their ability to reflect and learn from their actions and those of others is their greatest teacher in life. One reason why old souls feel so old at heart is because they have learnt so many lessons through their own thought processes, and possess so much insight into life situations from their ability to quietly and carefully observe what if going on around them.

6# You see the bigger picture.

Rarely do old souls get lost in the superficial details of getting useless degrees, job promotions, boob jobs and bigger TV’s. Old souls have the tendency to look at life from a birds eye view, seeing what is the most wise and meaningful way to approach life. When confronted with issues, old souls tend to see them as temporary and passing pains that merely serve to increase the amount of joy felt in the future. Consequently, old souls tend to have placid, stable natures as a result of their approach to life.

7# You aren’t materialistic.

Wealth, status, fame, and the latest version of iPhone … they just bore old souls. The old soul doesn’t see the purpose of pursuing things that can be easily taken away from them. Additionally, old souls have little time and interest for the short-lived things in life, as they bring little meaning or long lasting fulfillment for them.

8# You were a strange, socially maladaptive kid.

This is not always the case, but many old souls exhibit odd signs of maturity at young ages. Often, these children are labelled as being “precocious”, “introverted”, or “rebellious”, failing to fit into the mainstream behaviors. Usually, these children are extremely inquisitive and intelligent, seeing the purposelessness of many things their teachers, parents and peers say and do, and either passively or aggressively resisting them. If you can talk to your child like he/she’s an adult – you’ve probably got an old soul on your hands.

9# You just “feel” old.

Before putting a name to what I felt, I experienced certain sensations of simply being an “old person” inside. The feelings that accompany being an old soul are usually: a feeling of world wariness, mental tiredness, watchful patience, and detached calmness. Unfortunately, this can often be perceived as being aloof and cold, which is only one of many Old Soul Myths.

Just as some old people describe themselves as being “young at heart”, so too can young people be “old at heart”.

Are you an old soul? I’d love to hear your stories below.

* * * * * * * * * *

The Old Soul

The Old Soul came from far, 
Beyond the unlit bound;
There had gone out a star
And a great world was drowned,
Since birth and death and birth
Were hers, upon the earth.

For she had robed anew
Time and time out of mind;
And, as the sphere of dew
Unshapes into the wind,
Her raiment oft had cast
Into the wasting past.

There was no dizzying height
She had not sometime trod,
No dungeon known of night
But she had felt its rod;
The saint, assoiled from sin —
And saint's arch-foe — had been!

At cruel feasts she sate,
Where heartless mirth ran high;
Through famine's portal strait
Had fled her wailful cry;
All human fates had proved,
And those from man removed.

Yea, she had worn the guise
Of creatures lashed and spurned —
Even of those whose eyes
May not on heaven be turned;
No house too dark or base
To be her tarrying place!

The Old Soul came from far;
And, all lives having known,
She nowhere touched a bar,
But all was as her own:
And this could none forget
Who once her look had met!

The Old Soul came from far,
Moving through days and ways
That are not — and that are!
She turned on all her gaze —
Illumed, — deceived, — illumed;
Yet still the road resumed.

The Old Soul came from far,
And toward the far she drew.
" Turn home, mine avatar! "
That voice, long lost, she knew;
She heard, she turned — was free —
No more to dream, but Be!

The Old Soul

The Old Soul had witnessed it all
Every turn, every twist, every little thrawl
But what about the present day
When distractions and disconnect are utterly commonplace

Not use to this environment, The Old Soul copes
The Old Soul hopes
That bonds will be built
Foundations will be laid
Grand Empires on Gold Stilts
Can human relationships be saved?

The Old Soul is a timeless artifact
It was never born, nor did it ever die
Just energy shining through the cracks
Molding the mind in form, for the impossible to strive

The Old Soul I need You now
I know you are within me
I feel your presence
Wisdom for the why, not how
Help me understand the essence
I need your guidance dearly

Old Soul

by Barry Middleton

The old soul cannot escape
the pain that no one sees, 

the pang of war and brutal fear
that nothing can appease.

The first to gaze with human eyes
so many eons hence, 

still must struggle asking why
of grief without pretense.

Why must love and life desist? 
And what is living for? 

Can greed and killing ever cease, 
and bring an end to war? 

The old soul must hide the pain
for they have known the years, 

and time can never stem the tide
of anguish, loss and tears. 


Monday, February 1, 2016

Being Loved - "Things Someone Who Loved You Should Have Told You"

Things Someone Who Loved You Should Have Told You

by John Pavlovitz
February 1, 2016

Words can do incredible damage, but they can’t hold a candle to silence.

Often it is those words that have been withheld which leave the greatest scars upon us. It is in that terrible absence that we are dealt the harshest blow by those who claim to love us.

Somewhere along the line you were denied something you needed to live; something destination-altering and hope-giving that you deserved.

At some point on your path, someone should have encouraged you, but refrained.
  • They should have defended you, but did not.
  • They should have released you, but chose not to.
  • They should have said something—instead of nothing.
Someone should have told you that you were beautiful far beneath the surface, so that you didn’t grow up believing that you were defined by your waistline or by the scale or by the affection of someone else who may have cared far too little for you.

Someone should have told you that you were more than your worst mistake, so that you weren’t still imprisoned there in the spot of that momentary failure so long after it; still stuck trying to undo something that could never be undone and believing it made you less than.

Someone should have told you that God was not angry with you, so that your faith was allowed safe passage to grow and fearlessly move toward the One who made you and adores you without caveat or condition; the One who delights in you as you are.

Someone should have told you that it wasn’t your fault, so that you were relieved of the wasteful, crushing burden of what you were never meant to carry or deserve to still be saddled with; all the guilt and regret that unfairly declare you culpable.

Someone should have told you that you were a bona-fide, freakin’ miracle; a once in history collection of atoms and color and sound, so that you never doubted for a second your inherent worth, and the beautiful mark you’ve made in the places where your feet have landed.

Someone should have told you that you were forgiven, so that you didn’t cling to a vicious grudge against yourself which pronounced you dirty; so you were not tried for the same crime again and again in the court of your own head.

Someone should have told you that your sadness wasn’t a sickness, so you could have allowed yourself to grieve fully; to feel and speak the depth and breadth of your pain, instead of daily burying it beneath a brittle facade of okayness and pretending you weren’t devastated.

Someone should have told you that your best was good enough; that the honest desires of your heart and the diligent work of your hands regardless of the results, made your efforts successful. If they had, you may not have felt failure in anything less than perfection.

Someone should have told you that you were not what people said you were. That might have emancipated you from the expectations of a million voices judging you from a distance, which you believed as gospel. You might have found your identity independent of the shouts from the crowd or the cutting words of the critics.

Someone should have told you that you were loved as you were; not because of anything you did or won or achieved or made, but simply because you were lovable. It may have saved you from so restlessly striving to earn what you already deserved.

I can’t undo the brutal omissions you endured in the past, or the time you’ve squandered or the peace you’ve surrendered as a result.

I can only give you these words now, as a firm and steady spot to plant your foot and pivot as you begin again down another road, one with far fewer demons hiding in the shadows to ambush you.

So stop to listen to the whisper in your ear, that breaks the long and heavy silence and says that you are free. Feel the lightness that only love brings.

Somewhere along the road someone close to you should have told you all this, but they didn’t.

So I am telling you.

Be encouraged.

- JP


10 Signs Your'e an Outgoing Introvert (Ambivert)


by Jenn Granneman
October 28, 2015

So you just found out you’re an introvert. Now you have a new way of understanding yourself and how you relate to the world. You can’t get enough of your new identity, so you’re reading every listicle and blog post about introverts that graces your Facebook news feed. Some articles describe you with frightening accuracy: you like spending time alone, you prefer calm environments, you often think deeply and reflect, and you’d rather text than call.

Yet other articles don’t resonate with you at all: you don’t sit home alone every weekend watching Netflix in your pajamas and you actually enjoy the occasional party. You start to wonder, am I really an introvert?

Bottom line: if you need downtime after socializing, you probably are an introvert. What you actually are is an outgoing introvert.

Introversion and extroversion are not black and white. Think of a continuum with introversion on one end and extroversion on the other. Some people fall closer to the introverted end, while others are near the middle. There’s actually a word for these middle-of-the-road people: ambiverts. An ambivert is someone who displays characteristics of both introversion and extroversion.

Are you an outgoing introvert (or an ambivert)?

Here are 10 signs that you might be:

1. Your energy level is closely tied to your environment. You’re sensitive to how your surroundings look, what kind of music is being played, how many people are present and the volume level of the room. The ambiance of a bar or restaurant can either energize or drain you, depending on if the place fits your preferences. Likewise, a loud rock concert in a crowded stadium might be overwhelming but an up-close-and-personal acoustic set at your favorite local music club relaxes you.

2. You find people to be both intriguing and exhausting. People watching? Yes. Meeting new people and hearing their life stories? Fascinating. Spending every weeknight hanging out with a different group of friends? Not a chance—as much as you enjoy people, you can only endure so much socializing before you need downtime. After a busy weekend or a long day at work, you feel the need to disappear and recharge by being alone or with just one other person (a best friend, a trusted roommate or your significant other).

3. Certain people and interactions drain you while others actually recharge you. You have a few friends who you could hang out with for practically forever. It seems like you never run out of things to talk about and being with them is just easy. You actually feel better after spending time with them, not drained. Other people eventually tire or bore you and you need to get away. Being alone is better than settling for second-rate company.

4. You can be charming but also deeply introspective and reflective. You make small talk when it’s expected of you because you know it can lead to deeper, more authentic conversation. People feel comfortable around you, and you easily get others talking and opening up about themselves. When you’re out on a Saturday night, you make sure your friends have a good time. However, most people don’t realize how “in your head” you really are. Although you appear easy-going and chatty, inside, your mind is always going.

5. When you feel rested and recharged, you reach out to others. Often you’re the one who gets all your friends together on the weekend. Or maybe you organize the weekly after-work happy hour or throw parties at your house. Playing the host allows you to socialize on your own terms. You get to set the parameters, like what time the event starts, where it will happen and who is invited. But when you’re feeling drained, like a true introvert, you go silent and hibernate at home. This is when the Netflix + pajamas thing makes sense.

6. You need time to warm up in social situations. But once you feel comfortable with someone, you have no trouble chatting. Likewise, you won’t spill your entire life story to someone within the first half hour of meeting them, but you will reveal personal details when trust is built up. The more someone gets to know you, the more your quirky personality (and your cherished inner world—the part of you that feels most authentic) comes out.

7. It actually takes less energy to say what’s on your mind than to make small talk. Introverts like talking about ideas or connecting authentically. Fake small talk bores you and drains your life force.

8. You’re selectively social. It’s hard to find people you click with, so you only have a few close friends. But you’re okay with that. You’d rather make your limited “people” energy count by investing it into relationships that are truly fulfilling.

9. You have no interest in trying to prove yourself in a crowd of strangers.“Working the room” isn’t your thing. Nor do you feel the need to draw a lot of attention to yourself. You’re content hanging out at the edges of the party, talking to just one or two people.

10. You’re often confused for an extrovert. Your friends and family don’t buy that you’re an introvert because you’re just so social. In fact, it may have taken a while for you to realize you’re an introvert because you play the extrovert so well. Now you find yourself constantly having to explain your introversion and how you get your energy, but people still don’t get it.

Keep in mind there’s no wrong way to do introversion. It’s all about understanding your needs and honoring your own style—even if that means being the life of the party one night then binge watching Netflix alone the next night.

Are you an introvert? What’s your personality type? We recommend this free, quick test from our partner Personality Hacker.

Monday, January 4, 2016

The World of Introverts

Introverts and Friends




Introvert's friends.

Jan 19, 2015

Quotes about Introverts (insightful)http://www.goodreads.com/quotes/tag/introverts

More Poems by Introvertshttp://allpoetry.com/poems/about/Introvert

Famous Introverted People: Emily Dickensonhttp://lonerwolf.com/emily-dickinson-introvert/

* * * * * * * * * * *

Introverts Need People Too

Because I’ve moved so much and because I am an introvert I don’t have many friends. I mean the kind of person who’ll come to my house or ask me to theirs just to spend time together. As for the people I “know” right now, if they did ask me to hang out, I’d have no clue what to do or how to act.
Over the past month I’ve had the opportunity to hang out and spend time with a few people who’ve actually made me feel comfortable around them. I have to admit though, that when I was camping there was one person who commented to me that he wasn’t sure if I was having fun because I didn’t show it. Well, I didn’t drink because it was a new group of people and I need to feel comfortable around them first. Also I don’t get loud and boisterous when I’m having fun but I smile and laugh and try to be active with what everyone else is doing. If I wasn’t enjoying myself I would’ve made up some excuse to go home. Not being overly demonstrative is one of the downfalls of being an introvert.
The problem I have with hanging out with people for an extended amount of time is that I become comfortable with them and coming home can be a big adjustment. Sure I enjoy my alone time just as much as any other introvert but coming home means that I won’t interact with any other adults for a couple of weeks. I go days upon days without ever talking to another adult because I work from home and raise my children. The only adults I talk to are clients and that’s business not quality time.
The other problem I have after hanging out with people is figuring out whether or not to communicate with them afterwards. I question everything I do:
  • should I text them? maybe they’re busy?
  • do they want to text me?
  • did I hang out for too long?
  • are they glad I’m gone?
  • do they want to talk to me?
  • will they answer me?
  • what do I do if they don’t answer me?
  • what should I do if I’m the only one texting or messaging them and they don’t initiate conversation?
  • do they still like me?
  • do they dislike me now that we’ve spent time together?
  • the questions are endless!
Introverts need people too – even one person we feel comfortable with who we can actually be ourselves around. People who are okay with an introverts personality.
So what are some of the things that introverts do? Here’s a few that I’ve put together:

  1. small talk is torture
  2. crowds are stressful
  3. we have a small group of close friends (if we have any that is)
  4. feeling alone in a crowd is quite the norm
  5. we hear the same questions repeatedly – what are you thinking? are you okay? are you having fun?
  6. we wait to text back – and re-think every word we say
  7. taking walks is our favorite exercise
  8. networking makes us feel like a fake
  9. puzzles are intriguing – especially people who are puzzling
  10. people think we’re too intense
  11. books and movies are the best way to chill out
  12. we enjoy talking to people about subjects we’re passionate about
  13. we’re very picky about stuff – music, food, movies, friends
  14. we don’t trust easily – but sometimes we make bad judgement when we’re too isolated
  15. we’re easily distracted …hey look there’s a squirrel!
  16. we’re really a great listener
  17. people often interrupt us because we listen so well and they forget we sometimes have something to say
  18. we plan ahead …alot
  19. if we like something we absolutly love it …or we absolutely hate it – there doesn’t seem to be an in-between
  20. giving a talk to 500 people is easy – mingling and making small talk afterwards is hard
  21. too much activity causes a shutdown – pj’s and warm drinks are necessary
  22. observation is an activity we enjoy
  23. once we find a friend we tend to open up like a book – sometimes this makes us feel vulnerable if the person isn’t a true friend
  24. we know what we like and aren’t worried about missing out on new things
  25. extroverts are the best relationship partners
  26. we screen all our calls – even from friends
  27. we take it very personall when someone we thougt we were close to starts to ignore us
  28. getting lost in our thoughts happens alot even when other people are talking to us

* * * * * * * * * * *


May 12, 2013

I don’t write as much poetry as I used to…probably because I am no longer as depressed as I used to be. A few years ago, I suffered some really bad spells and it seemed that the only way I could work my way out of them was to write how I felt…because sometimes I was literally incapable of speech.

In recent days however, my muse seems to have resigned from the poetry inspiration department and moved to short story writing…my muse is obviously unable to multi-task. Anyway, whenever I do write poetry, it is no longer the deep heart wrenching expression of loss and brokenness and greyness that I used to write…my poems are more..well…they’re just odd…I don’t mind though, I like discovering how my mind works.

So anyhow, this is a poem I wrote about being an introvert… I think that it puzzles many of my friends and acquaintances that I can completely disconnect from the world around me and retreat to the relative safety of my room and the world in my laptop… my family just accepts that I’m cuckoo and gets on with it but anyway… here’s the poem.


I am not an extrovert; I am a socially proficient introvert
I interact not because I like to, but because I can
I have learned the art of conversation
Of meaningless sentences strung together to make a pleasant sounding thread
Just like white noise
I am not an extrovert; nothing wears me out more than people
With their pettiness and their drama and their lies
I have learned to listen but not absorb
To understand without accepting
To be present but not involved
I am not an extrovert; crowds bore me, people tire me
I do not wish to know who did what to whom on what day with which witnesses
I promise you, I do not care
Life is complicated enough without needing to puzzle out the details
Of everyone else’s drama.
I am an introvert; and that is why,
No matter how sweetly I smile,
Or how deeply I seem to listen,
Nothing pleases me more than curling up in my bed
With my books and my thoughts for company
I am an introvert; and so,
Despite how well I put words together
I would much rather write, or tweet
And free myself to expression,
Without the burden of interaction
I am an introvert; the chronicler of your stories
Watching from the side-lines, I’d rather not go on the stage
I’ll watch and talk and listen
And then eagerly rush home, to recount all I have seen and heard
To my patiently waiting computer
I apologize if I seem rude, or unconcerned or distant
It’s just that life is so much sweeter
Standing where I am
I love you very much, I promise I do
I am your friend, I promise I am
But allow me to be one, from way over here
Where I can love you, without having to talk to you
Thank you

- menoword

* * * * * * * * * * *



By Jenn Granneman
January 1, 2015

Introverts have received a lot of attention lately, yet misconceptions about introversion still exist. Who are introverts, really? And perhaps more importantly, who are they not?
  1. Introverts make up 30-50 percent of the population.

    That means up to half of the world is introverted.
  2. Introverts loathe small talk, but they enjoy meaningful conversation.

    “Introverts crave meaning, so party chitchat feels like sandpaper to our psyche,” writes author Diane Cameron.
  3. When in relationships, introverts want to keep up with their partner’s inner life, not just day-to-day events.

    “When an introvert cares about someone, she also wants contact, not so much to keep up with the events of the other person’s life, but to keep up with what’s inside: the evolution of ideas, values, thoughts, and feelings,” writes Laurie Helgoe in her book Introvert Power: Why Your Inner Life is Your Hidden Strength.
  4. Introverts become distracted and overwhelmed in highly stimulating environments.

    Introverts are known for their extraordinary ability to focus intensely for long periods of time in quiet, minimally stimulating environments. Yet in highly stimulating environments, introverts tend to either zone out because there’s too much going on, or they become distracted. On the flip side, “extroverts are commonly found to be more easily bored than introverts on monotonous tasks, probably because they require and thrive on high levels of stimulation,” Clark University researchers wrote in a paper published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.
  5. Despite preferring to work alone, introverts can still be good team players.

    “We just don’t need to be in the same room as the rest of the team at all times. We would much prefer to have part of the project carved out for us to squirrel away with it in our offices, consulting as necessary but working independently,” writes Sophia Dembling in The Introvert’s Way: Living a Quiet Life in a Noisy World.
  6. Introverts often feel more lonely and bored in a crowd than when they are actually alone.

    “I am rarely bored alone; I am often bored in groups and crowds,” writes Helgoe.
  7. Introverts often express themselves better in writing than in conversation.

    Writing allows introverts time to gather their thoughts and select just the right words.
  8. Introverts are often called “old souls.”

    “Introverts tend to think hard and be analytical,” Dembling tells Huffington Post. “That can make them seem wise.”
  9. Introverts notice details that others might miss.

    They often have a keen eye for detail. They might notice the subtle shift of a friend’s mood or the slight variations of color and texture in a piece of art.
  10. Introverts often feel alienated.

    “In an extroverted society, we rarely see ourselves in the mirror. We get alienating feedback. Alienating feedback comes in the form of repeated encouragement to join or talk, puzzled expressions, well-intended concern, and sometimes, all-out pointing and laughing. Alienating feedback happens when we hear statements like, ‘What kind of loser would be home on a Saturday night?’ Alienating feedback happens where neighborhoods, schools, and offices provide no place to retreat. Alienating feedback happens when our quiet spaces and wilderness sanctuaries are seen as places to colonize,” writes Helgoe.
  11. Introverts may end up in one-sided relationships.

    “Because introverts are typically good listeners and, at least, have the appearance of calmness, we are attractive to emotionally needy people. Introverts, gratified that other people are initiating with them, can easily get caught in these exhausting and unsatisfying relationships,” writes Adam McHugh in Introverts in the Church: Finding Our Place in an Extroverted Culture.
  12. Introverts tend to internalize problems.

    “We place the source of problems within and blame ourselves. Though introverts may also externalize and see others as the problem, it’s more convenient to keep the problem ‘in house.’ Internalizers tend to be reliable and responsible, but we can also be very hard on ourselves,” writes Helgoe.
  13. Introverts are not necessarily shy.

    According to Susan Cain, author of Quiet, shyness is the fear of negative judgment, while introversion is having a preference for minimally stimulating environments. You can be an introvert without being shy, like Bill Gates. There are even extroverts, like Barbara Streisand, who are shy.
  14. Introverts aren’t anti-social.

    They alternate between periods of work and solitude, and periods of social activities. They may have strong social skills, be talkative, have deep relationships, and enjoy going out with friends. They simply need downtime after socializing to recharge.
  15. Introverts aren’t just extroverts who need to come out of their shells.

    About introverts, Cain writes, “At school you might have been prodded to come ‘out of your shell’ — that noxious expression which fails to appreciate that some animals naturally carry shelter everywhere they go, and some humans are just the same.”
  16. Introverts are not people who need to be “fixed.”

    Of course, we all have habits or behaviors we could improve, whether we’re an introvert or an extrovert. Yet introversion is not a flawed way of being or a “problem” that needs fixing. Helgoe writes, “Your nature is not the problem. The problem is that you have become alienated from your nature — from your power source.”